The Work Trend Index: How AI Shaped Businesses in 2024

There is no doubt that AI was the buzzword throughout 2024. With many businesses looking to implement AI tools within their company to improve workflows and increase efficiency, Microsoft created the Work Trend Index to see how AI has affected the year in business


What is the Work Trend Index?

The Work Trend Index (WTI) like mentioned above was created to display how AI has affected businesses throughout 2024. It looks into Copilot in particular, and how users have experienced enhanced workflows and time savings.

A small business in their office using AI tools

What are the Key Takeaways from the 2024 Work Trend Index

The work trend index highlighted a set of statistics which show just how technology and AI can change the workplace. In the below section, we have outlined the most important figures which your business should take into account.


Employees are Expecting AI within the Workplace:

The Work Trend Index highlights that 75% of employees within the surveyed businesses use some form of AI within their work and would expect it in another business if they were to move.

This emphasises the importance of adopting AI within a business to ensure staff retention and to safeguard your business from losing valuable staff due to not deploying new technology quick enough.


New Job Role Creation:

With AI finding its way into workplaces, this comes with the creation of new job roles. Although some may worry that AI will reduce the net number of jobs and also replace humans. It actually creates an opportunity to upskill in AI and find a new role such as prompt engineer.

The Work Trend Index highlights that 55% of leaders are worried that there wont be enough talent to fill the void of jobs, this is where AI tools can help fill gaps.

Someone using Google on a laptop which has a trusted platform module

AI Forcing Role Evolution:

With AI coming in, roles are constantly evolving and needing new skills to get the most out of them. For example, the need for data analysis is reducing due to the capabilities of Copilot for example. By reducing the amount of time needing to be spent in one area of a job, it can be reinvested elsewhere. This leads to a net gain in quality of work being outputted.


Planning your AI Transformation:

Although time savings and enhanced productivity sounds exciting, the first thing which needs to be considered is the AI adoption plan. It is too dangerous to simply just sign up to a new AI tool and begin using it. You must at first understand which software the tool integrates with but also what data it may be able to access and how this could affect your customers.


Three Cherries: Interpreting the Work Trend Index

Its clear that businesses are gearing up and getting ready to embrace AI within the workplace. Be it through individual employees using tools such as ChatGPT or Copilot to answer questions quickly or organisations using AI for designs, it seems every company has a use for this new technology.

With it being scaled the same as the shift from typewriter to computer, its time that all businesses took it seriously and found out how they can utilise it best for their business. If your company needs any help with implementing Copilot into the business, contact Three Cherries today.



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