Worth £600

Local Business? Suffering from IT pain? Looking to make sure your IT is ready for a period of recovery?


We’d like to help 10 Bristol based SME businesses by carrying out the following:

Ensuring maximum network performance from your network. Is your system running at optimum speed?

Ensuring your team can access what they need without jeopardising your company wide network. Is access to user data restricted to required users? Do you have a password policy? Are you able to remotely wipe mobile devices if lost or stolen?

Is your Network still safe? Firewall “Pressure Testing” Let’s put your security to the test. Better safe than sorry!

All too often we’re approached to see if we can recover data lost through poor or non-performing back-up systems. We’ll check that your back-up has got your back!

It’s easy to get Hardware, but does it help or hinder you in the New normal? Is your software working against you rather than for you. Are you running the latest OS? Are you taking advantage of all the latest patches and bug-fixes?

Are you still diverting calls to employees’ personal mobiles, are you limited on your business reporting and losing potential business? Or are you operationally at jeopardy by still using a quick home working fix – Let us find the correct communications strategy for you be it a mix of Digital, Video and Voice.

What will you get?

A comprehensive report, following a detailed review of your existing network and IT infrastructure, concluding with a list of risks and recommendations.



Why are we doing this?

A few words from our Managing Director…

“Over the past 12-months many business owners have struggled to stay afloat and as a result, their IT systems have probably been one of the last things on their minds.

As an SME ourselves, we want to support local companies and help them to rebuild following the pandemic.

Our IT Health checks provide a comprehensive report of any areas that require attention in order to maximise efficiencies and effectiveness to support each business, ultimately offering peace of mind when it comes to IT solutions and support.”

Three Cherries Managing Director, Ian Vicker.

This is a once only offer made by a fellow SME business owner. This offer is possible due to the collaboration of the following organisations:

No Hitches, No Catches,

No Hidden Costs, No Snags

Just IT peace of mind for 10 SME business owners.