Computer Security Services: What To Look For

Many MSPs offer computer security services such as implementing firewalls and anti virus protection among a business. It is important however you truly understand what these computer security services are and whether your business cybersecurity will benefit from them. In this blog, Three Cherries look at the ways in which businesses can add to their computer security services and which are the most important for you.


What are Computer Security Services?

This is the question many businesses ask in their first steps towards becoming cybersecure. Computer security services can vary from implementing a firewall into a business, setting up an anti-virus or becoming cyber essentials certified. All of these services are increasing in importance and it is vital your business adopts these in 2024 and beyond.

Why are Computer Security Services Necessary?

New threats to businesses are popping up every day and its as important as ever currently to make sure your business is secure. Large fines could be faced if you’re responsible for data leaks or loss due to being hacked. The cost for recovering lost data is also at an all time high meaning the risk to SMBs is greater than ever.

Services such as simulated phishing and security awareness training could prove the difference between your staff identifying malicious content or not and compromising the company. It is therefore important that your business understands the importance of correct computer security services.

Man looking at a firewall with a laptop in his hands from a cyber essentials plus business discussing computer security services

What are the Common Cyber Threats Faced by Businesses?

Below are common cyber threats we have seen SMBs faced with in the past. Many people believe that small businesses aren’t targeted however this couldn’t be any further from the truth. By adopting computer security services, you can minimise these associated risks. One example of a risk faced by businesses is phishing.

Phishing comes in many forms, however it is most commonly found in emails where scammers try to trick you into believing they are someone or something that they are not. These will typically include a link in which you’d press and consequently log in to giving away your details to users with malicious intent.

Another common cyber threat to businesses is malware and ransomware. These programs aim to encrypt or destroy data and can lead to expensive fees to either get the data back from hackers or to recover any lost data from your devices. It is important that your business stays protected from these.

Three Cherries: Computer Security Services Specialists

At Three Cherries, we understand the complex nature of cybersecurity and how important it is to ensure that all data is secure. By having a handful of trusted partners and expert inhouse knowledge, our team can aid in the setup of many business security tools such as firewalls and also manage accreditations such as Cyber Essentials, reducing the load on your business. If you require any assistance, contact us today



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