Business Password Managers: The Best Business Options

With cyberthreats on the rise and the need for heightened cyber security measures more important than ever, finding any edges to your security strategy is a must. In this blog, we dive into the world of business password managers and how as a business, you could benefit from this software.


What is a Password Manager?

Put simply, a password manager is a piece of software which securely stores any password details for your accounts. An everyday example of this is using face ID to automatically fill your log in details on your phone. Many password managers can also make extremely secure passwords for you and store them meaning they aren’t forgotten, typical of strong passwords.

person on their phone with mobile device management researching self serve licencing for business password managers

Why Would a Business Benefit from a Password Manager?

As mentioned previously, with the recent increase in cyber-attacks, ensuring you make the most of any tools available is critical. Not only will the password manager remove the annoyance of having to reset forgotten passwords, but it will also allow you to create long and strong passwords which will improve your businesses cybersecurity.

Another important feature built into a handful of business level password managers is accessing accounts of users who may have left the business. For example, if someone on your marketing team has left the business and not given you the login details to the mailing system, you are unable to shut down their account and they could then begin sending out negative emails, harming your business.


Which Password Manager Should We Choose?

There are many options on the market regarding business password managers. It is important you pick a reputable and well known manager. At Three Cherries, we recommend the Keeper password manager for businesses. We believe this is one of the best options on the market and features a host of impressive features.



What Features does Keeper Password Manager Have?

Keeper Password Manager has a whole host of features. Listed below are a handful of the most important features, however.

  • Random and Secure Passwords: Keeper can create completely random passwords out of numbers, letters and symbols. Although this may sound difficult to remember, fear not! Being a password manager, Keeper will remember this for you and input it upon verifying you’re the intended user.
  • Allows Secure Password Sharing: Keeper Password Manager allows for easy password sharing on demand across your business. This means that your marketing department for example, could share the password for Mailchimp to the sales team so they could follow up on leads. This is much more secure than emailing passwords and is private, meaning other people in the office don’t hear.
  • Management and Admin Access: As mentioned above, perhaps the most important feature is being able to log into accounts which previously an old employee may not have given you access or the login details for. This is extremely important if the user still has access to the account and could put your business at risk potentially.


Three Cherries – The Cybersecurity Bristol Experts

At Three Cherries, we have been helping businesses with their IT and security for over 25 years. This means that we have seen plenty of new products, some good and plenty bad. If your business is stuck and you aren’t sure on how to improve your cybersecurity, contact us today and let our team assist you!



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